Thursday, May 31, 2012

Friday, June 1, 2012

LOCKER CLEANED OUT: This is a reminder to all students to make sure your locker is cleaned out and all books have been returned. If you dropped a class and you still have the book out – return your books to the Main Office.

GIRLS LOCKER ROOM: Any girl who still has things in the girls locker room, please clean your lockers out by TODAY. All left over clothes and shoes will be donated to Goodwill on Tues. Turn your lock in to Ms. Borgwardt or Ms. Loffelholz with your combo taped on it.

MENS TRACK & FIELD AWARDS: Those who haven't picked up your men's track and field awards or team pictures please stop by the activities office to pick them up.

AP LITERATURE: Anyone signed up to take AP Literature next year but missed the meeting needs to see Mr. Kilgore in D-153 to pick up summer reading material.

ATTENTION FUTURE CHOIR STUDENTS: If you registered for Choir for next year, please see Mr. Marple to audition for choir placement. A sign up schedule is posted outside Mr. Marple's office in the Choir Room B51. If you HAVEN'T registered for Choir yet, we'd love to have you join us in New York City next year. See a current Choir member for more information.

FYI: TODAY students will not be able to walk through the softball field to enter the building. The stairs leading up to the school from the softball field will be removed in order to continue construction on Dalzel Field. If you park on Grandview Avenue plan on taking the sidewalk around the field to enter the school building.

AP CHEMISTRY: Students signed up for AP Chemistry next year, please stop by Room B241 to collect your summer assignment from Ms. Gibbons. This assignment is worth extra credit next year, so don't miss out on getting a good start.

11TH GRADE STUDENTS: The Senior parking lot lottery sign-up is now available at the business office. If you want to park in the Senior/12th grade parking lot next school year, you must sign up for the parking lottery.

June 5 - July 3, 2012
June 5 - July 3, 2012
June 11-29, 2012
Forms are available at Business Office, Guidance Office, and Main Office.

Friday, June 1, 2012
Period 1 7:40 - 9:05
Period 2 9:10 - 10:35
Period 3 10:40 - 12:05
Lunch 12:05 - 12:25
Yellow Buses depart 2:20
Jule Bus – 12:35 – Downtown
12:55 – Mall area

Monday, June 4, 2012
Period 4 7:40 - 9:05
Period 6 9:10 - 10:35
Period 7 10:40 - 12:05
Lunch 12:05 - 12:20
Yellow Buses depart 12:20
Jule Bus – 12:35 – Downtown
12:55 – Mall area

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Thursday, May 31, 2012

LOCKER CLEANED OUT: This is a reminder to all students to make sure your locker is cleaned out and all books have been returned. If you dropped a class and you still have the book out – return your books to the Main Office.

MENS TRACK & FIELD AWARDS: Those who haven't picked up your men's track and field awards or team pictures please stop by the activities office to pick them up.

AP LITERATURE: Anyone signed up to take AP Literature next year but missed the meeting needs to see Mr. Kilgore in D-153 to pick up summer reading material.

ATTENTION FUTURE CHOIR STUDENTS: If you registered for Choir for next year, please see Mr. Marple to audition for choir placement. A sign up schedule is posted outside Mr. Marple's office in the Choir Room B51. If you HAVEN'T registered for Choir yet, we'd love to have you join us in New York City next year. See a current Choir member for more information.

FYI: TODAY students will not be able to walk through the softball field to enter the building. The stairs leading up to the school from the softball field will be removed in order to continue construction on Dalzel Field. If you park on Grandview Avenue plan on taking the sidewalk around the field to enter the school building.

AP CHEMISTRY: Students signed up for AP Chemistry next year, please stop by Room B241 to collect your summer assignment from Ms. Gibbons. This assignment is worth extra credit next year, so don't miss out on getting a good start.

11TH GRADE STUDENTS: The Senior parking lot lottery sign-up is now available at the business office. If you want to park in the Senior/12th grade parking lot next school year, you must sign up for the parking lottery.

June 5 - July 3, 2012
June 5 - July 3, 2012
June 11-29, 2012
Forms are available at Business Office, Guidance Office, and Main Office.

Friday, June 1, 2012
Period 1 7:40 - 9:05
Period 2 9:10 - 10:35
Period 3 10:40 - 12:05
Lunch 12:05 - 12:25
Yellow Buses depart 2:20
Jule Bus – 12:35 – Downtown
12:55 – Mall area

Monday, June 4, 2012
Period 4 7:40 - 9:05
Period 6 9:10 - 10:35
Period 7 10:40 - 12:05
Lunch 12:05 - 12:20
Yellow Buses depart 12:20
Jule Bus – 12:35 – Downtown
12:55 – Mall area

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

ANY TEXTBOOKS YOUR NOT USING: If you have textbooks in your locker that you are not using, please bring them to the Main Office.

TODAY - Time: 5:00 p.m.
Where: Loras lower soccer field-on the corner of Loras and Cox
What to bring: Water, light and dark shirt
Show up a little earlier (5-10 mins) if you would like to work on your throws

DUBUQUE RAMS WRESTLING: Wrestling will have an organizational meeting TODAY in E-10, Coach Connolly’s Room. Anyone interested in wrestling for the rams next year please attend. We will discuss summer wrestling and lifting schedules and camps.

MENS TRACK & FIELD AWARDS: Those who haven't picked up your men's track and field awards or team pictures please stop by the activities office to pick them up.

AP LITERATURE: Anyone signed up to take AP Literature next year but missed the meeting needs to see Mr. Kilgore in D-153 to pick up summer reading material.

ATTENTION FUTURE CHOIR STUDENTS: If you registered for Choir for next year, please see Mr. Marple to audition for choir placement. A sign up schedule is posted outside Mr. Marple's office in the Choir Room B51. If you HAVEN'T registered for Choir yet, we'd love to have you join us in New York City next year. See a current Choir member for more information.

AP US HISTORY: Students who have registered to take AP US History during the 2012-13 school year should attend an informational meeting in B139 TODAY @ 2:20. Students will receive their summer reading assignments at this time. If you are unable to attend either meeting please see Mrs. Weiland after May 30 to pick up your summer materials.

FYI: TODAY students will not be able to walk through the softball field to enter the building. The stairs leading up to the school from the softball field will be removed in order to continue construction on Dalzel Field. If you park on Grandview Avenue plan on taking the sidewalk around the field to enter the school building.

AP CHEMISTRY: Students signed up for AP Chemistry next year, please stop by Room B241 to collect your summer assignment from Ms. Gibbons. This assignment is worth extra credit next year, so don't miss out on getting a good start.

11TH GRADE STUDENTS: The Senior parking lot lottery sign-up is now available at the business office. If you want to park in the Senior/12th grade parking lot next school year, you must sign up for the parking lottery.

June 5 - July 3, 2012
June 5 - July 3, 2012
June 11-29, 2012
Forms are available at Business Office, Guidance Office, and Main Office.

Friday, June 1, 2012
Period 1 7:40 - 9:05
Period 2 9:10 - 10:35
Period 3 10:40 - 12:05
Lunch 12:05 - 12:25
Yellow Buses depart 2:20
Jule Bus – 12:35 – Downtown
12:55 – Mall area

Monday, June 4, 2012
Period 4 7:40 - 9:05
Period 6 9:10 - 10:35
Period 7 10:40 - 12:05
Lunch 12:05 - 12:20
Yellow Buses depart 12:20
Jule Bus – 12:35 – Downtown
12:55 – Mall area

Friday, May 25, 2012

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

ANY TEXTBOOKS YOUR NOT USING: If you have textbooks in your locker that you are not using, please bring them to the Main Office.

DUBUQUE RAMS WRESTLING: Wrestling will have an organizational meeting Wednesday, May 30th in E-10, Coach Connolly’s Room. Anyone interested in wrestling for the rams next year please attend. We will discuss summer wrestling and lifting schedules and camps.

MENS TRACK & FIELD AWARDS: Those who haven't picked up your men's track and field awards or team pictures please stop by the activities office to pick them up.

AP LITERATURE: Anyone signed up to take AP Literature next year but missed the meeting needs to see Mr. Kilgore in D-153 to pick up summer reading material.

ATTENTION FUTURE CHOIR STUDENTS: If you registered for Choir for next year, please see Mr. Marple to audition for choir placement. A sign up schedule is posted outside Mr. Marple's office in the Choir Room B51. If you HAVEN'T registered for Choir yet, we'd love to have you join us in New York City next year. See a current Choir member for more information.

AP US HISTORY: Students who have registered to take AP US History during the 2012-13 school year should attend an informational meeting in B139 TODAY or May 30 @ 2:20. Students will receive their summer reading assignments at this time. If you are unable to attend either meeting please see Mrs. Weiland after May 30 to pick up your summer materials.

FYI: TODAY students will not be able to walk through the softball field to enter the building. The stairs leading up to the school from the softball field will be removed in order to continue construction on Dalzel Field. If you park on Grandview Avenue plan on taking the sidewalk around the field to enter the school building.

AP CHEMISTRY: Students signed up for AP Chemistry next year, please stop by Room B241 to collect your summer assignment from Ms. Gibbons. This assignment is worth extra credit next year, so don't miss out on getting a good start.

PHOTOGRAPHY: Interested in Photography as a career or hobby?? There is a new Photography Explorer Post beginning in June. Learn from professionals from Dubuque Photography and Digital Dubuque how to take better photos, edit, and much more. This is a hands on learning - bring your friends and have fun with photography!
Open to all high school students - stop in guidance for more info. and application form. Begins June 7th.

11TH GRADE STUDENTS: The Senior parking lot lottery sign-up is now available at the business office. If you want to park in the Senior/12th grade parking lot next school year, you must sign up for the parking lottery.

June 5 - July 3, 2012
June 5 - July 3, 2012
June 11-29, 2012
Forms are available at Business Office, Guidance Office, and Main Office.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Period 1 - 7:40 - 9:05
Period 2 - 9:10 - 10:35
Period 3 - 10:40 - 12:05
Lunch 12:05 - 12:25
Yellow Buses depart 2:20
Jule Bus – 12:35 – Downtown
                  12:55 – Mall area

Monday, June 4, 2012
Period 4 - 7:40 - 9:05
Period 6 - 9:10 - 10:35
Period 7 - 10:40 - 12:05
Lunch 12:05 - 12:20
Yellow Buses depart 12:20
Jule Bus – 12:35 – Downtown
                 12:55 – Mall area

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Friday, May 25, 2012

ANY TEXTBOOKS YOUR NOT USING: If you have textbooks in your locker that you are not using, please bring them to the Main Office.

DUBUQUE RAMS WRESTLING: Wrestling will have an organizational meeting Wednesday, May 30th in E-10, Coach Connolly’s Room. Anyone interested in wrestling for the rams next year please attend. We will discuss summer wrestling and lifting schedules and camps.

MENS TRACK & FIELD AWARDS: Those who haven't picked up your men's track and field awards or team pictures please stop by the activities office to pick them up.

AP LITERATURE: Anyone signed up to take AP Literature next year but missed the meeting needs to see Mr. Kilgore in D-153 to pick up summer reading material.

PARKING STICKERS: Only students with Senior High School parking stickers are allowed to park in the Junior and Senior lots. Tickets will be given.

ATTENTION FUTURE CHOIR STUDENTS: If you registered for Choir for next year, please see Mr. Marple to audition for choir placement. A sign up schedule is posted outside Mr. Marple's office in the Choir Room B51. If you HAVEN'T registered for Choir yet, we'd love to have you join us in New York City next year. See a current Choir member for more information.

AP US HISTORY: Students who have registered to take AP US History during the 2012-13 school year should attend an informational meeting in B139 on May 29 or May 30 @ 2:20. Students will receive their summer reading assignments at this time. If you are unable to attend either meeting please see Mrs. Weiland after May 30 to pick up your summer materials.

FYI: TODAY students will not be able to walk through the softball field to enter the building. The stairs leading up to the school from the softball field will be removed in order to continue construction on Dalzel Field. If you park on Grandview Avenue plan on taking the sidewalk around the field to enter the school building.

TWO SPORTS: If you are planning to participate in two sports next year (excluding baseball and softball) and wish to exempt from Wellness class, you need to pick-up a form in the guidance office or main office. The form needs to be signed by a parent and returned to the main office by TODAY. If you have any questions, please see your guidance counselor.

AP CHEMISTRY: Students signed up for AP Chemistry next year, please stop by Room B241 to collect your summer assignment from Ms. Gibbons. This assignment is worth extra credit next year, so don't miss out on getting a good start.

PHOTOGRAPHY: Interested in Photography as a career or hobby?? There is a new Photography Explorer Post beginning in June. Learn from professionals from Dubuque Photography and Digital Dubuque how to take better photos, edit, and much more. This is a hands on learning - bring your friends and have fun with photography!
Open to all high school students - stop in guidance for more info. and application form. Begins June 7th.

11TH GRADE STUDENTS: The Senior parking lot lottery sign-up is now available at the business office. If you want to park in the Senior/12th grade parking lot next school year, you must sign up for the parking lottery.

PARKING: Construction will include a portion of the Senior student parking lot. Only students with Senior lot parking stickers will be allowed to park in the senior lot between the yellow lines. All vehicles without a Senior lot parking sticker will be ticketed and /or towed.

June 5 - July 3, 2012
June 5 - July 3, 2012
June 11-29, 2012
Forms are available at Business Office, Guidance Office, and Main Office.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Thursday, May 24, 2012

PARKING STICKERS: Only students with Senior High School parking stickers are allowed to park in the Junior and Senior lots. Tickets will be given.

ATTENTION FUTURE CHOIR STUDENTS: If you registered for Choir for next year, please see Mr. Marple to audition for choir placement. A sign up schedule is posted outside Mr. Marple's office in the Choir Room B51. If you HAVEN'T registered for Choir yet, we'd love to have you join us in New York City next year. See a current Choir member for more information.

ALL MEN’S SOCCER PLAYERS: There will be a season wrap up meeting TODAY at 2:30 PM in the indoor track. Please bring all uniforms and equipment that you have so they can be collected.

AP US HISTORY: Students who have registered to take AP US History during the 2012-13 school year should attend an informational meeting in B139 on May 29 or May 30 @ 2:20. Students will receive their summer reading assignments at this time. If you are unable to attend either meeting please see Mrs. Weiland after May 30 to pick up your summer materials.

LIBRARY: The Library has closed for the year. All books are due back at this time. Please return them to the library. Keep reading over the summer. See you next year.

FYI: TODAY students will not be able to walk through the softball field to enter the building. The stairs leading up to the school from the softball field will be removed in order to continue construction on Dalzel Field. If you park on Grandview Avenue plan on taking the sidewalk around the field to enter the school building.

ANY TEXTBOOKS YOUR NOT USING: If you have textbooks in your locker that you are not using, please bring them to the Main Office.

TWO SPORTS: If you are planning to participate in two sports next year (excluding baseball and softball) and wish to exempt from Wellness class, you need to pick-up a form in the guidance office or main office. The form needs to be signed by a parent and returned to the main office by Friday, May 25th. If you have any questions, please see your guidance counselor.

CURRENT JUNIORS: If you plan on having a full schedule during your senior year and want to exempt Wellness class, you need to pick-up a form in the guidance office or main office. The form needs to be signed by a parent and returned to the main office by Friday, May 25th. If you have any questions, please see your guidance counselor.

AP CHEMISTRY: Students signed up for AP Chemistry next year, please stop by Room B241 to collect your summer assignment from Ms. Gibbons. This assignment is worth extra credit next year, so don't miss out on getting a good start.

PHOTOGRAPHY: Interested in Photography as a career or hobby?? There is a new Photography Explorer Post beginning in June. Learn from professionals from Dubuque Photography and Digital Dubuque how to take better photos, edit, and much more. This is a hands on learning - bring your friends and have fun with photography!
Open to all high school students - stop in guidance for more info. and application form. Begins June 7th.

UPPER ROOM: Emily Barz will be our guest speaker this week at the Upper Room. Join us on Friday at 7am in the gym lobby.

11TH GRADE STUDENTS: The Senior parking lot lottery sign-up is now available at the business office. If you want to park in the Senior/12th grade parking lot next school year, you must sign up for the parking lottery.

AP LANGUAGE AND COMPOSITION: Students signed up for AP Language and Composition next year should attend a short meeting in the auditorium TODAY at 2:30 p.m. to receive their summer reading books. See Mrs. Koch in A-226 if you cannot attend.

GREY RIBBON CRUSADE: Grey Ribbon Crusade run/walk 5k & 1 mile kids run is on Saturday, May 26th, 2012. Race begins at 8:00 AM
-The event has been moved to Senior High School and will be run down Clarke Drive into Madison Park and back.
-Refreshments have been donated by Panera Bread & HyVee.
-Race forms can be downloaded from the website or can be picked up at the Activities Office. T-Shirts to all entries, race day registration will be available.
-Medals to all age division winners plus a gift certificate from Shoe Shack for the top female & male overall.
-Race proceeds will be used to support Brain Cancer Research, Senior High Cross Country Teams, & Ram Booster Club.
-In memory of Coach & Teacher Jim Boughton who passed away in 2010 of brain cancer.

PARKING: Construction will include a portion of the Senior student parking lot. Only students with Senior lot parking stickers will be allowed to park in the senior lot between the yellow lines. All vehicles without a Senior lot parking sticker will be ticketed and /or towed.

June 5 - July 3, 2012
June 5 - July 3, 2012
June 11-29, 2012
Forms are available at Business Office, Guidance Office, and Main Office.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

ALL MEN’S SOCCER PLAYERS: There will be a season wrap up meeting on Thursday, May 24th, at 2:30 PM in the indoor track. Please bring all uniforms and equipment that you have so they can be collected.

AP US HISTORY: Students who have registered to take AP US History during the 2012-13 school year should attend an informational meeting in B139 on May 29 or May 30 @ 2:20. Students will receive their summer reading assignments at this time. If you are unable to attend either meeting please see Mrs. Weiland after May 30 to pick up your summer materials.

LIBRARY: The Library has closed for the year. All books are due back at this time. Please return them to the library. Keep reading over the summer. See you next year.

FYI: TODAY students will not be able to walk through the softball field to enter the building. The stairs leading up to the school from the softball field will be removed in order to continue construction on Dalzel Field. If you park on Grandview Avenue plan on taking the sidewalk around the field to enter the school building.

ANY TEXTBOOKS YOUR NOT USING: If you have textbooks in your locker that you are not using, please bring them to the Main Office.

TWO SPORTS: If you are planning to participate in two sports next year (excluding baseball and softball) and wish to exempt from Wellness class, you need to pick-up a form in the guidance office or main office. The form needs to be signed by a parent and returned to the main office by Friday, May 25th. If you have any questions, please see your guidance counselor.

CURRENT JUNIORS: If you plan on having a full schedule during your senior year and want to exempt Wellness class, you need to pick-up a form in the guidance office or main office. The form needs to be signed by a parent and returned to the main office by Friday, May 25th. If you have any questions, please see your guidance counselor.

AP CHEMISTRY: Students signed up for AP Chemistry next year, please stop by Room B241 to collect your summer assignment from Ms. Gibbons. This assignment is worth extra credit next year, so don't miss out on getting a good start.

FOOTBALL MEETINGS: There will be a meeting for everyone going out for football in the fall TODAY at 2:30 in the auditorium. Summer and fall will be covered. All current Freshmen, Sophmore, and Juniors should attend. If unable to attend contact Coach Ploessl to schedule another time.

PHOTOGRAPHY: Interested in Photography as a career or hobby?? There is a new Photography Explorer Post beginning in June. Learn from professionals from Dubuque Photography and Digital Dubuque how to take better photos, edit, and much more. This is a hands on learning - bring your friends and have fun with photography!
Open to all high school students - stop in guidance for more info. and application form. Begins June 7th.


TODAY – 7:15 a.m. – In room E-38

Last meeting before the summer. Have a few announcements pertaining to the summer; getting a practice schedule set and getting a telephone/email list made up. The meeting will last 10-15 minutes. If you are unable to make it to the meeting send an email to

VOLLEYBALL: There will be a volleyball meeting TODAY after school in the cafeteria. Anyone going out for volleyball next year must attend the meeting.

UPPER ROOM: Emily Barz will be our guest speaker this week at the Upper Room. Join us on Friday at 7am in the gym lobby.

FYI: GSA and students at Dubuque Senior will be going to see the movie Bully on Wednesday at 7:00 and would love for any staff or students to join in on the fun! Meet at Star Theater at 6:30 either night.

MOVIE BULLY: The movie, “Bully” will be showing at Star Cinema beginning Friday, May 18 through Thursday, May 24. The movie will be free to Dubuque Community School students at various times which are posted around the building. To get your free ticket you need to arrive at the theatre before the desired show time. The Riverview Center will have Star Cinema print out your designated number of tickets and staff and volunteers will be at the door handing out tickets. Students only need to show their school ID and they will be given a ticket, t-shirt, and the first 800 student tickets to "Bully" will get a free backpack.

11TH GRADE STUDENTS: The Senior parking lot lottery sign-up is now available at the business office. If you want to park in the Senior/12th grade parking lot next school year, you must sign up for the parking lottery.

AP LANGUAGE AND COMPOSITION: Students signed up for AP Language and Composition next year should attend a short meeting in the auditorium on Thursday, May 24 at 2:30 p.m. to receive their summer reading books. That's AP Language and Composition in the auditorium on Thursday, May 24 at 2:30 p.m. See Mrs. Koch in A-226 if you cannot attend.

GREY RIBBON CRUSADE: Grey Ribbon Crusade run/walk 5k & 1 mile kids run is on Saturday, May 26th, 2012. Race begins at 8:00 AM
-The event has been moved to Senior High School and will be run down Clarke Drive into Madison Park and back.
-Refreshments have been donated by Panera Bread & HyVee.
-Race forms can be downloaded from the website or can be picked up at the Activities Office. T-Shirts to all entries, race day registration will be available.
-Medals to all age division winners plus a gift certificate from Shoe Shack for the top female & male overall.
-Race proceeds will be used to support Brain Cancer Research, Senior High Cross Country Teams, & Ram Booster Club.
-In memory of Coach & Teacher Jim Boughton who passed away in 2010 of brain cancer.

AP LITERATURE: Attention all juniors planning to take AP Literature next year. There will be a brief mandatory meeting in D-153 (Mr. Kilgore's room) at 2:30 TODAY. You will receive summer reading material at this meeting, so it is important that you attend.

PARKING: Construction will include a portion of the Senior student parking lot. Only students with Senior lot parking stickers will be allowed to park in the senior lot between the yellow lines. All vehicles without a Senior lot parking sticker will be ticketed and /or towed.

June 5 - July 3, 2012
June 5 - July 3, 2012
June 11-29, 2012
Forms are available at Business Office, Guidance Office, and Main Office.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

SENIORS: Make sure you have returned all your textbooks in TODAY. If you have a textbook in your locker that you are not using please bring them to the Main Office.

FYI: Beginning, Wednesday, May 23rd, students will not be able to walk through the softball field to enter the building. The stairs leading up to the school from the softball field will be removed in order to continue construction on Dalzel Field. If you park on Grandview Avenue plan on taking the sidewalk around the field to enter the school building.

ANY TEXTBOOKS YOUR NOT USING: If you have textbooks in your locker that you are not using, please bring them to the Main Office.

TWO SPORTS: If you are planning to participate in two sports next year (excluding baseball and softball) and wish to exempt from Wellness class, you need to pick-up a form in the guidance office or main office. The form needs to be signed by a parent and returned to the main office by Friday, May 25th. If you have any questions, please see your guidance counselor.

CURRENT JUNIORS: If you plan on having a full schedule during your senior year and want to exempt Wellness class, you need to pick-up a form in the guidance office or main office. The form needs to be signed by a parent and returned to the main office by Friday, May 25th. If you have any questions, please see your guidance counselor.

AP CHEMISTRY: Students signed up for AP Chemistry next year, please stop by Room B241 to collect your summer assignment from Ms. Gibbons. This assignment is worth extra credit next year, so don't miss out on getting a good start.

FOOTBALL MEETINGS: There will be a meeting for everyone going out for football in the fall on Wednesday May 23rd at 2:30 in the auditorium. Summer and fall will be covered. All current Freshmen, Sophmore, and Juniors should attend. If unable to attend contact Coach Ploessl to schedule another time. There will also be a meeting TODAY at 2:30 in the indoor track for anyone wanting to be a football manager next year. Please contact Coach Ploessl if you can’t attend and are interested in being a manager next year.

PHOTOGRAPHY: Interested in Photography as a career or hobby?? There is a new Photography Explorer Post beginning in June. Learn from professionals from Dubuque Photography and Digital Dubuque how to take better photos, edit, and much more. This is a hands on learning - bring your friends and have fun with photography!
Open to all high school students - stop in guidance for more info. and application form. Begins June 7th.

Wednesday, May 23 – 7:15 a.m. – In room E-38
Last meeting before the summer. Have a few announcements pertaining to the summer; getting a practice schedule set and getting a telephone/email list made up. The meeting will last 10-15 minutes. If you are unable to make it to the meeting send an email to

VOLLEYBALL: There will be a volleyball meeting on Wednesday, May 23rd after school in the cafeteria. Anyone going out for volleyball next year must attend the meeting.

UPPER ROOM: Emily Barz will be our guest speaker this week at the Upper Room. Join us on Friday at 7am in the gym lobby.

FYI: GSA and students at Dubuque Senior will be going to see the movie Bully on Tuesday and Wednesday at 7:00 and would love for any staff or students to join in on the fun! Meet at Star Theater at 6:30 either night.

MOVIE BULLY: The movie, “Bully” will be showing at Star Cinema beginning Friday, May 18 through Thursday, May 24. The movie will be free to Dubuque Community School students at various times which are posted around the building. To get your free ticket you need to arrive at the theatre before the desired show time. The Riverview Center will have Star Cinema print out your designated number of tickets and staff and volunteers will be at the door handing out tickets. Students only need to show their school ID and they will be given a ticket, t-shirt, and the first 800 student tickets to "Bully" will get a free backpack.

11TH GRADE STUDENTS: The Senior parking lot lottery sign-up is now available at the business office. If you want to park in the Senior/12th grade parking lot next school year, you must sign up for the parking lottery.

AP LANGUAGE AND COMPOSITION: Students signed up for AP Language and Composition next year should attend a short meeting in the auditorium on Thursday, May 24 at 2:30 p.m. to receive their summer reading books. That's AP Language and Composition in the auditorium on Thursday, May 24 at 2:30 p.m. See Mrs. Koch in A-226 if you cannot attend.

GREY RIBBON CRUSADE: Grey Ribbon Crusade run/walk 5k & 1 mile kids run is on Saturday, May 26th, 2012. Race begins at 8:00 AM
-The event has been moved to Senior High School and will be run down Clarke Drive into Madison Park and back.
-Refreshments have been donated by Panera Bread & HyVee.
-Race forms can be downloaded from the website or can be picked up at the Activities Office. T-Shirts to all entries, race day registration will be available.
-Medals to all age division winners plus a gift certificate from Shoe Shack for the top female & male overall.
-Race proceeds will be used to support Brain Cancer Research, Senior High Cross Country Teams, & Ram Booster Club.
-In memory of Coach & Teacher Jim Boughton who passed away in 2010 of brain cancer.

RENAISSANCE: Freshmen, Sophomore, and Junior students who are currently on the Red or Blue Renaissance and qualify for Semester Test Exemption should speak to their teacher no later than TODAY.

AP LITERATURE: Attention all juniors planning to take AP Literature next year. There will be a brief mandatory meeting in D-153 (Mr. Kilgore's room) at 2:30 on Wednesday May 23. You will receive summer reading material at this meeting, so it is important that you attend.

PARKING: Construction will include a portion of the Senior student parking lot. Only students with Senior lot parking stickers will be allowed to park in the senior lot between the yellow lines. All vehicles without a Senior lot parking sticker will be ticketed and /or towed.

June 5 - July 3, 2012
June 5 - July 3, 2012
June 11-29, 2012
Forms are available at Business Office, Guidance Office, and Main Office.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Monday, May 21, 2012

FYI: Beginning, Wednesday, May 23rd, students will not be able to walk through the softball field to enter the building. The stairs leading up to the school from the softball field will be removed in order to continue construction on Dalzel Field. If you park on Grandview Avenue plan on taking the sidewalk around the field to enter the school building.

SENIORS: Make sure you have returned all your textbooks before your last day of school. If you have a textbook in your locker that you are not using please bring them to the Main Office.

ANY TEXTBOOKS YOUR NOT USING: If you have textbooks in your locker that you are not using, please bring them to the Main Office.

TWO SPORTS: If you are planning to participate in two sports next year (excluding baseball and softball) and wish to exempt from Wellness class, you need to pick-up a form in the guidance office or main office. The form needs to be signed by a parent and returned to the main office by Friday, May 25th. If you have any questions, please see your guidance counselor.

CURRENT JUNIORS: If you plan on having a full schedule during your senior year and want to exempt Wellness class, you need to pick-up a form in the guidance office or main office. The form needs to be signed by a parent and returned to the main office by Friday, May 25th. If you have any questions, please see your guidance counselor.

AP CHEMISTRY: Students signed up for AP Chemistry next year, please stop by Room B241 to collect your summer assignment from Ms. Gibbons. This assignment is worth extra credit next year, so don't miss out on getting a good start.

FOOTBALL MEETINGS: There will be a meeting for everyone going out for football in the fall on Wednesday May 23rd at 2:30 in the auditorium. Summer and fall will be covered. All current Freshmen, Sophmore, and Juniors should attend. If unable to attend contact Coach Ploessl to schedule another time. There will also be a meeting on Tuesday May 22nd at 2:30 in the indoor track for anyone wanting to be a football manager next year. Please contact Coach Ploessl if you can’t attend and are interested in being a manager next year.

PHOTOGRAPHY: Interested in Photography as a career or hobby?? There is a new Photography Explorer Post beginning in June. Learn from professionals from Dubuque Photography and Digital Dubuque how to take better photos, edit, and much more. This is a hands on learning - bring your friends and have fun with photography!
Open to all high school students - stop in guidance for more info. and application form. Begins June 7th.


Wednesday, May 23 – 7:15 a.m. – In the Library

Last meeting before the summer. Have a few announcements pertaining to the summer; getting a practice schedule set and getting a telephone/email list made up. The meeting will last 10-15 minutes. If you are unable to make it to the meeting send an email to

VOLLEYBALL: There will be a volleyball meeting on Wednesday, May 23rd after school in the cafeteria. Anyone going out for volleyball next year must attend the meeting.

UPPER ROOM: Emily Barz will be our guest speaker this week at the Upper Room. Join us on Friday at 7am in the gym lobby.

FYI: GSA and students at Dubuque Senior will be going to see the movie Bully on Tuesday and Wednesday at 7:00 and would love for any staff or students to join in on the fun! Meet at Star Theater at 6:30 either night.

MOVIE BULLY: The movie, “Bully” will be showing at Star Cinema beginning Friday, May 18 through Thursday, May 24. The movie will be free to Dubuque Community School students at various times which are posted around the building. To get your free ticket you need to arrive at the theatre before the desired show time. The Riverview Center will have Star Cinema print out your designated number of tickets and staff and volunteers will be at the door handing out tickets. Students only need to show their school ID and they will be given a ticket, t-shirt, and the first 800 student tickets to "Bully" will get a free backpack.

11TH GRADE STUDENTS: The Senior parking lot lottery sign-up is now available at the business office. If you want to park in the Senior/12th grade parking lot next school year, you must sign up for the parking lottery.

AP LANGUAGE AND COMPOSITION: Students signed up for AP Language and Composition next year should attend a short meeting in the auditorium on Thursday, May 24 at 2:30 p.m. to receive their summer reading books. That's AP Language and Composition in the auditorium on Thursday, May 24 at 2:30 p.m. See Mrs. Koch in A-226 if you cannot attend.

GREY RIBBON CRUSADE: Grey Ribbon Crusade run/walk 5k & 1 mile kids run is on Saturday, May 26th, 2012. Race begins at 8:00 AM
-The event has been moved to Senior High School and will be run down Clarke Drive into Madison Park and back.
-Refreshments have been donated by Panera Bread & HyVee.
-Race forms can be downloaded from the website or can be picked up at the Activities Office. T-Shirts to all entries, race day registration will be available.
-Medals to all age division winners plus a gift certificate from Shoe Shack for the top female & male overall.
-Race proceeds will be used to support Brain Cancer Research, Senior High Cross Country Teams, & Ram Booster Club.
-In memory of Coach & Teacher Jim Boughton who passed away in 2010 of brain cancer.

RENAISSANCE: Freshmen, Sophomore, and Junior students who are currently on the Red or Blue Renaissance and qualify for Semester Test Exemption should speak to their teacher no later than Tuesday, May 22, 2012.

AP LITERATURE: Attention all juniors planning to take AP Literature next year. There will be a brief mandatory meeting in D-153 (Mr. Kilgore's room) at 2:30 on Wednesday May 23. You will receive summer reading material at this meeting, so it is important that you attend.

PARKING: Construction will include a portion of the Senior student parking lot. Only students with Senior lot parking stickers will be allowed to park in the senior lot between the yellow lines. All vehicles without a Senior lot parking sticker will be ticketed and /or towed.

June 5 - July 3, 2012
June 5 - July 3, 2012
June 11-29, 2012
Forms are available at Business Office, Guidance Office, and Main Office.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Friday, May 18, 2012

SENIORS: Make sure you have returned all your textbooks before your last day of school. If you have a textbook in your locker that you are not using please bring them to the Main Office.

ANY TEXTBOOKS YOUR NOT USING: If you have textbooks in your locker that you are not using, please bring them to the Main Office.

MOVIE BULLY: The movie, “Bully” will be showing at Star Cinema beginning Friday, May 18 through Thursday, May 24. The movie will be free to Dubuque Community School students at various times which are posted around the building. To get your free ticket you need to arrive at the theatre before the desired show time. The Riverview Center will have Star Cinema print out your designated number of tickets and staff and volunteers will be at the door handing out tickets. Students only need to show their school ID and they will be given a ticket, t-shirt, and the first 800 student tickets to "Bully" will get a free backpack.

11TH GRADE STUDENTS: The Senior parking lot lottery sign-up is now available at the business office. If you want to park in the Senior/12th grade parking lot next school year, you must sign up for the parking lottery.

AP LANGUAGE AND COMPOSITION: Students signed up for AP Language and Composition next year should attend a short meeting in the auditorium on Thursday, May 24 at 2:30 p.m. to receive their summer reading books. That's AP Language and Composition in the auditorium on Thursday, May 24 at 2:30 p.m. See Mrs. Koch in A-226 if you cannot attend.

GREY RIBBON CRUSADE: Grey Ribbon Crusade run/walk 5k & 1 mile kids run is on Saturday, May 26th, 2012. Race begins at 8:00 AM
-The event has been moved to Senior High School and will be run down Clarke Drive into Madison Park and back.
-Refreshments have been donated by Panera Bread & HyVee.
-Race forms can be downloaded from the website or can be picked up at the Activities Office. T-Shirts to all entries, race day registration will be available.
-Medals to all age division winners plus a gift certificate from Shoe Shack for the top female & male overall.
-Race proceeds will be used to support Brain Cancer Research, Senior High Cross Country Teams, & Ram Booster Club.
-In memory of Coach & Teacher Jim Boughton who passed away in 2010 of brain cancer.

RENAISSANCE: Freshmen, Sophomore, and Junior students who are currently on the Red or Blue Renaissance and qualify for Semester Test Exemption should speak to their teacher no later than Tuesday, May 22, 2012.

AP LITERATURE: Attention all juniors planning to take AP Literature next year. There will be a brief mandatory meeting in D-153 (Mr. Kilgore's room) at 2:30 on Wednesday May 23. You will receive summer reading material at this meeting, so it is important that you attend.

PARKING: Construction will include a portion of the Senior student parking lot. Only students with Senior lot parking stickers will be allowed to park in the senior lot between the yellow lines. All vehicles without a Senior lot parking sticker will be ticketed and /or towed.

June 5 - July 3, 2012
June 5 - July 3, 2012
June 11-29, 2012
Forms are available at Business Office, Guidance Office, and Main Office.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

SENIORS: Make sure you have returned all your textbooks before your last day of school. If you have a textbook in your locker that you are not using please bring them to the Main Office.

ANY TEXTBOOKS YOUR NOT USING: If you have textbooks in your locker that you are not using, please bring them to the Main Office.

RENAISSANCE: Freshmen, Sophomore, and Junior students who are currently on the Red or Blue Renaissance and qualify for Semester Test Exemption should speak to their teacher no later than Tuesday, May 22, 2012.

SPANISH CLUB: The last Spanish Club meeting will be held this Thursday, May 17th in E40 from 7:10 - 7:30. Those students involved in leadership positions, tutoring, after school teaching and other Spanish Club activities are invited to attend. Please contact your Spanish Club teacher or Sra. Day if you will be able to make it. ¡Gracias!

UPPER ROOM: Bring a friend to the Upper Room this Friday at 7 am in the gym lobby. The end of the year party will held this Saturday, May 19th, from 4pm-9pm at Barrington Lake. All high school students and incoming 9th graders are welcome. Bring pop or treats to share. Pizza at 6pm.

BIKE TO WORK WEEK: The Discovery Club asks you to consider joining the Bike to Work Week between May 14-18. Sign up through the Telegraph Herald Online, click on the Bike To Work Week link, and register. There are nice prizes like gift certificates to area bike stores and restaurants for those who registered. It's free and the riding is great this time of year. Ask Mrs. Koch, Mr. Jenkins, or Mr. Dolson. Biking is a great way to start and end your school day. Come and join the Discovery Club. A bike rack is located outside of school by the electronic marquee. Bring a bike lock for safe storage.

AP LITERATURE: Attention all juniors planning to take AP Literature next year. There will be a brief mandatory meeting in D-153 (Mr. Kilgore's room) at 2:30 on Wednesday May 23. You will receive summer reading material at this meeting, so it is important that you attend.

GSA: There will be a meeting on Thursday August 17th for anyone interested in participating in next year's GSA. The meeting of the Senior High School Gay Straight Alliance will be held right after school in room E43. Snacks will be provided and we will discuss ideas for next year and plans to see the movie Bully right here in Dubuque! Please come and check it out!

IM 6 v 6 FLICKER BALL: Come join us for our 2nd to last IM Event of the year. We will be playing Flicker Ball! Make sure to bring a friend.
When: Thursday May 17th
Time: 3:00 p.m.
Where: Allison Henderson

PARKING: Construction will include a portion of the Senior student parking lot. Only students with Senior lot parking stickers will be allowed to park in the senior lot between the yellow lines. All vehicles without a Senior lot parking sticker will be ticketed and /or towed.

June 5 - July 3, 2012
June 5 - July 3, 2012
June 11-29, 2012
Forms are available at Business Office, Guidance Office, and Main Office.


Period 1………. 7:40 – 8:12

Period 2………. 8:17 – 8:49

Period 3………. 8:54 – 9:26

Period 4………. 9:31 – 10:03

Period 5……….10:08 – 10:40

Period 6……….10:45 – 11:17

Period 7……….11:22 – 11:55

LUNCH ……….11:55 – 12:20

Monday, May 14, 2012

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

BIKE TO WORK WEEK: The Discovery Club asks you to consider joining the Bike to Work Week between May 14-18. Sign up through the Telegraph Herald Online, click on the Bike To Work Week link, and register. There are nice prizes like gift certificates to area bike stores and restaurants for those who registered. It's free and the riding is great this time of year. Ask Mrs. Koch, Mr. Jenkins, or Mr. Dolson. Biking is a great way to start and end your school day. Come and join the Discovery Club. A bike rack is located outside of school by the electronic marquee. Bring a bike lock for safe storage.

AP LITERATURE: Attention all juniors planning to take AP Literature next year. There will be a brief mandatory meeting in D-153 (Mr. Kilgore's room) at 2:30 on Wednesday May 23. You will receive summer reading material at this meeting, so it is important that you attend.

GSA: There will be a meeting on Thursday August 17th for anyone interested in participating in next year's GSA. The meeting of the Senior High School Gay Straight Alliance will be held right after school in room E43. Snacks will be provided and we will discuss ideas for next year and plans to see the movie Bully right here in Dubuque! Please come and check it out!

IM 6 v 6 FLICKER BALL: Come join us for our 2nd to last IM Event of the year. We will be playing Flicker Ball! Make sure to bring a friend.
When: Thursday May 17th
Time: 3:00 p.m.
Where: Allison Henderson

PARKING: Construction will include a portion of the Senior student parking lot. Only students with Senior lot parking stickers will be allowed to park in the senior lot between the yellow lines. All vehicles without a Senior lot parking sticker will be ticketed and /or towed.

June 5 - July 3, 2012
June 5 - July 3, 2012
June 11-29, 2012
Forms are available at Business Office, Guidance Office, and Main Office.


Period 1………. 7:40 – 8:12

Period 2………. 8:17 – 8:49

Period 3………. 8:54 – 9:26

Period 4………. 9:31 – 10:03

Period 5……….10:08 – 10:40

Period 6……….10:45 – 11:17

Period 7……….11:22 – 11:55

LUNCH ……….11:55 – 12:20

Friday, May 11, 2012

Monday, May 14, 2012

BIKE TO WORK WEEK: The Discovery Club asks you to consider joining the Bike to Work Week between May 14-18. Sign up through the Telegraph Herald Online, click on the Bike To Work Week link, and register. There are nice prizes like gift certificates to area bike stores and restaurants for those who registered. It's free and the riding is great this time of year. Ask Mrs. Koch, Mr. Jenkins, or Mr. Dolson. Biking is a great way to start and end your school day. Come and join the Discovery Club. A bike rack is located outside of school by the electronic marquee. Bring a bike lock for safe storage.

AP LITERATURE: Attention all juniors planning to take AP Literature next year. There will be a brief mandatory meeting in D-153 (Mr. Kilgore's room) at 2:30 on Wednesday May 23. You will receive summer reading material at this meeting, so it is important that you attend.

GSA: There will be a meeting on Thursday August 17th for anyone interested in participating in next year's GSA. The meeting of the Senior High School Gay Straight Alliance will be held right after school in room E43. Snacks will be provided and we will discuss ideas for next year and plans to see the movie Bully right here in Dubuque! Please come and check it out!

IM 6 v 6 FLICKER BALL: Come join us for our 2nd to last IM Event of the year. We will be playing Flicker Ball! Make sure to bring a friend.
When: Thursday May 17th
Time: 3:00 p.m.
Where: Allison Henderson

PARKING: Construction will include a portion of the Senior student parking lot. Only students with Senior lot parking stickers will be allowed to park in the senior lot between the yellow lines. All vehicles without a Senior lot parking sticker will be ticketed and /or towed.

June 5 - July 3, 2012
June 5 - July 3, 2012
June 11-29, 2012
Forms are available at Business Office, Guidance Office, and Main Office.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Friday, May 11, 2012

BIKE TO WORK WEEK: The Discovery Club asks you to consider joining the Bike to Work Week between May 14-18. Sign up through the Telegraph Herald Online, click on the Bike To Work Week link, and register. There are nice prizes like gift certificates to area bike stores and restaurants for those who registered. It's free and the riding is great this time of year. Ask Mrs. Koch, Mr. Jenkins, or Mr. Dolson. Biking is a great way to start and end your school day. Come and join the Discovery Club. A bike rack is located outside of school by the electronic marquee. Bring a bike lock for safe storage.

AP LITERATURE: Attention all juniors planning to take AP Literature next year. There will be a brief mandatory meeting in D-153 (Mr. Kilgore's room) at 2:30 on Wednesday May 23. You will receive summer reading material at this meeting, so it is important that you attend.

GSA: There will be a meeting on Thursday August 17th for anyone interested in participating in next year's GSA. The meeting of the Senior High School Gay Straight Alliance will be held right after school in room E43. Snacks will be provided and we will discuss ideas for next year and plans to see the movie Bully right here in Dubuque! Please come and check it out!

IM 6 v 6 FLICKER BALL: Come join us for our 2nd to last IM Event of the year. We will be playing Flicker Ball! Make sure to bring a friend.

When: Thursday May 17th
Time: 3:00 p.m.
Where: Allison Henderson

ULTIMATE FRISBEE CLUB: There will be Ultimate Club practice Saturday at Flora Park at 2:00 p.m. Bring a friend, some water, a white and non-white shirt. If you want to know more about Ultimate Frisbee contact Andrew Thill or Mr. Blaser.

ATTENTION SENIORS: The last two months, several local scholarships have gone unclaimed or had a low number of applications - this is FREE money for college!! Please come to the School Counseling Office and check out our Ram Resource Center website to see if YOU qualify for any scholarships. It's worth the effort!

PARKING: Construction will include a portion of the Senior student parking lot. Only students with Senior lot parking stickers will be allowed to park in the senior lot between the yellow lines. All vehicles without a Senior lot parking sticker will be ticketed and /or towed.

June 5 - July 3, 2012
June 5 - July 3, 2012
June 11-29, 2012
Forms are available at Business Office, Guidance Office, and Main Office.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Thursday, May 10, 2012

IM 6 v 6 FLICKER BALL: Come join us for our 2nd to last IM Event of the year. We will be playing Flicker Ball! Make sure to bring a friend.
When: Thursday May 17th
Time: 3:00 p.m.
Where: Allison Henderson

UPPER ROOM: Bring a friend to the Upper Room Friday at 7 am in the gym lobby. The end of the year party will be held on Saturday, May 19th, from 4pm-9pm at Barrington Lake. Everyone is welcome. Bring a 2 liter pop or treats to share. Pizza at 6pm.

ULTIMATE FRISBEE CLUB: There will be Ultimate Club practice Saturday at Flora Park at 2:00 p.m. Bring a friend, some water, a white and non-white shirt. If you want to know more about Ultimate Frisbee contact Andrew Thill or Mr. Blaser.

ATTENTION SENIORS: The last two months, several local scholarships have gone unclaimed or had a low number of applications - this is FREE money for college!! Please come to the School Counseling Office and check out our Ram Resource Center website to see if YOU qualify for any scholarships. It's worth the effort!

PARKING: Construction will include a portion of the Senior student parking lot. Only students with Senior lot parking stickers will be allowed to park in the senior lot between the yellow lines. All vehicles without a Senior lot parking sticker will be ticketed and /or towed.

June 5 - July 3, 2012
June 5 - July 3, 2012
June 11-29, 2012
Forms are available at Business Office, Guidance Office, and Main Office.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

UPPER ROOM: Bring a friend to the Upper Room this Friday at 7 am in the gym lobby. The end of the year party will be held on Saturday, May 19th, from 4pm-9pm at Barrington Lake. Everyone is welcome. Bring a 2 liter pop or treats to share. Pizza at 6pm.

ULTIMATE FRISBEE CLUB: There will be Ultimate Club practice this Saturday at Flora Park at 2:00 p.m. Bring a friend, some water, a white and non-white shirt. If you want to know more about Ultimate Frisbee contact Andrew Thill or Mr. Blaser.

ATTENTION SENIORS: The last two months, several local scholarships have gone unclaimed or had a low number of applications - this is FREE money for college!! Please come to the School Counseling Office and check out our Ram Resource Center website to see if YOU qualify for any scholarships. It's worth the effort!

COLORGUARD: Come join the Senior High Colorguard for the 2012-13 season! Audition rehearsals will be held May 1, 3, 8 & 10. See Mrs King in B64 for a flyer and more information.

PARKING: Starting Monday, April 16th construction will begin on Dalzell Field. Construction will include a portion of the Senior student parking lot. Only students with Senior lot parking stickers will be allowed to park in the senior lot between the yellow lines. Starting Monday, April 16th through the end of the school year, all vehicles without a Senior lot parking sticker will be ticketed and /or towed.

June 5 - July 3, 2012
June 5 - July 3, 2012
June 11-29, 2012
Forms are available at Business Office, Guidance Office, and Main Office.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

ULTIMATE FRISBEE CLUB: There will be Ultimate Club practice this Saturday at Flora Park at 2:00 p.m. Bring a friend, some water, a white and non-white shirt.
If you want to know more about Ultimate Frisbee contact Andrew Thill or Mr. Blaser.

ATTENTION SENIORS: The last two months, several local scholarships have gone unclaimed or had a low number of applications - this is FREE money for college!! Please come to the School Counseling Office and check out our Ram Resource Center website to see if YOU qualify for any scholarships. It's worth the effort!

COLORGUARD: Come join the Senior High Colorguard for the 2012-13 season! Audition rehearsals will be held May 1, 3, 8 & 10. See Mrs King in B64 for a flyer and more information.

PARKING: Starting Monday, April 16th construction will begin on Dalzell Field. Construction will include a portion of the Senior student parking lot. Only students with Senior lot parking stickers will be allowed to park in the senior lot between the yellow lines. Starting Monday, April 16th through the end of the school year, all vehicles without a Senior lot parking sticker will be ticketed and /or towed.

June 5 - July 3, 2012
June 5 - July 3, 2012
June 11-29, 2012
Forms are available at Business Office, Guidance Office, and Main Office.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Friday, May 4, 2012

ATTENTION SENIORS: The last two months, several local scholarships have gone unclaimed or had a low number of applications - this is FREE money for college!! Please come to the School Counseling Office and check out our Ram Resource Center website to see if YOU qualify for any scholarships. It's worth the effort.

COLORGUARD: Come join the Senior High Colorguard for the 2012-13 season! Audition rehearsals will be held May 1, 3, 8 & 10. See Mrs King in B64 for a flyer and more information.

PARKING: Starting Monday, April 16th construction will begin on Dalzell Field. Construction will include a portion of the Senior student parking lot. Only students with Senior lot parking stickers will be allowed to park in the senior lot between the yellow lines. Starting Monday, April 16th through the end of the school year, all vehicles without a Senior lot parking sticker will be ticketed and /or towed.

June 5 - July 3, 2012
June 5 - July 3, 2012
June 11-29, 2012
Forms are available at Business Office, Guidance Office, and Main Office.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Thursday, May 3, 2012

ATTENTION SENIORS: The last two months, several local scholarships have gone unclaimed or had a low number of applications - this is FREE money for college!! Please come to the School Counseling Office and check out our Ram Resource Center website to see if YOU qualify for any scholarships. It's worth the effort!

UPPER ROOM: Bring a friend to the Upper Room this Friday at 7 am in the gym lobby. The end of the year party will be on Saturday, May 19th from 4pm - 9pm at Barrington Lake.

COLORGUARD: Come join the Senior High Colorguard for the 2012-13 season! Audition rehearsals will be held May 1, 3, 8 & 10. See Mrs King in B64 for a flyer and more information.

PARKING: Starting Monday, April 16th construction will begin on Dalzell Field. Construction will include a portion of the Senior student parking lot. Only students with Senior lot parking stickers will be allowed to park in the senior lot between the yellow lines. Starting Monday, April 16th through the end of the school year, all vehicles without a Senior lot parking sticker will be ticketed and /or towed.

June 5 - July 3, 2012
June 5 - July 3, 2012
June 11-29, 2012
Forms are available at Business Office, Guidance Office, and Main Office.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

ATTENTION SENIORS: The last two months, several local scholarships have gone unclaimed or had a low number of applications - this is FREE money for college!! Please come to the School Counseling Office and check out our Ram Resource Center website to see if YOU qualify for any scholarships. It's worth the effort!
UPPER ROOM: Bring a friend to the Upper Room this Friday at 7 am in the gym lobby. The end of the year party will be on Saturday, May 19th from 4pm - 9pm at Barrington Lake.

COLORGUARD: Come join the Senior High Colorguard for the 2012-13 season! Audition rehearsals will be held May 1, 3, 8 & 10. See Mrs King in B64 for a flyer and more information.

PARKING: Starting Monday, April 16th construction will begin on Dalzell Field. Construction will include a portion of the Senior student parking lot. Only students with Senior lot parking stickers will be allowed to park in the senior lot between the yellow lines. Starting Monday, April 16th through the end of the school year, all vehicles without a Senior lot parking sticker will be ticketed and /or towed.

June 5 - July 3, 2012
June 5 - July 3, 2012
June 11-29, 2012
Forms are available at Business Office, Guidance Office, and Main Office.