Friday, February 22, 2013

Monday, February 25, 2013

FOUND: There are 4 pairs of prescription eyeglasses in the lost and found. Please stop by room A201 (Plan Room) if you’ve lost a pair of eyeglasses.

MEN’S TENNIS MEETING: There will be a men’s tennis meeting on Thursday, February 28th at 2:30 p.m. in the cafeteria. All guys interested in going out for tennis need to attend this meeting.

COMPUTER SCIENCE EXPLORATION: Loras College is sponsoring a computer science exploring post for all of you interested in computer science or gaming. You will be able to design and program a computer game. Work with the experts and get hands on experience. Stop in guidance for more information and check out the bulletin board by guidance.

JOB OPPORTUNITIES: Eagle Ridge Resort in Galena is sponsoring a Job Fair on Saturday, March 2nd from 10 a.m.- 3pm. If interested, stop in guidance or check out bulletin board by guidance.

ATTENTION STUDENTS INTERESTED IN ARCHITECTURE OR ENGINEERING: Do you ever think about becoming an architect or designing buildings? If so, this is for you!! Beginning Tues., Feb 26, the FEH Exploring Post will be offering hands - on projects with designing and engineering systems. For more info. stop in guidance.

UPPER ROOM MEETING: Get up early and join us in the gym lobby this Friday at 7 am. We will play a game at the start. There is lots of treats!


DANCE: The Sadie Hawkins dance will take place on Saturday, March 2nd from 8-11. The theme is Cupid Shuffle. Pictures start at 5:30 in the indoor track.

MOVIE NIGHT: The Sadie's movie night will be on Monday, February 25 at 7pm. It will be at Mindframe and we will be showing "Pitch Perfect". It's free, but make sure you bring your student ID to get in.

DRESS-UP DAYS: There will be dress up days for Sadies from Feb 25th to March 1. Monday's theme is pajama day, Tuesday is rainbow day, Wednesday is twin day, Thursday is Valentine's day-themed, and Friday is Lil Abner/Daisy Mae day. Check out the posters in the hallway for more information.

TALENT SHOW: The 2013 Talent Show will be held on Thursday, February 28th at 7:00 p.m. in the auditorium. Cost is $2.00. Mini shows will be on Friday, March 1st during 2nd and 4th periods The mini shows will be completely free for classes registered to attend.

GAY STRAIGHT ALLIANCE MEETING: The Gay Straight Alliance will be meeting EVERY THURSDAY after school in room A117. Everyone is welcome….bring a friend! We are currently selling bracelets for $2. Proceeds will be used for group activities for our members. Stop by A117 and get your bracelet today!

26th – Luther College – 10:15 a.m.