Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Period 1: 7:40-8:12
Period 2: 8:17-8:49
Period 3: 8:54-9:26
Period 4: 9:31-10:03
Period 5: 10:08-10:40
Period 6: 10:45-11:17
Period 7: 11:22-11:55
Lunch: 11:55-12:20

SPANISH CLUB MEETING: The next Spanish Club meeting will be held on Thursday morning 7:10-7:30 am in Room E40. We will be discussing t-shirt designs and fall activities. This is a mandatory meeting for Spanish Club officers!

MEN’S SWIM TEAM MEETING: There will be a mandatory swim team meeting on Tuesday, October 23rd in the library at 2:30 p.m.

FRENCH CLUB MEETING: There will be a French Club Meeting this Thursday, October 18th at 7:15 a.m. in room E34.

UPPER ROOM MEETING: This Friday at 7 am, Dana Perreard will be speaking. We always have treats and a crazy game at 7 am in the gym lobby.

DISCOVERY CLUB OUTING: Discovery Club is going to ride a zipline on Saturday, October 20th! The cost is only $10 and proceeds will be donated to Friends of Dubuque County Conservation Board. If you are interested in this fun and fast opportunity, see Ms. Pfohl or Mrs. Koch for details! You could also stop by B249 at 7:15 Thursday morning for our scheduled meeting!

MODEL UN MEETING: Model UN will have an informational meeting on Thursday, October 18th at 7:15 a.m. in the cafeteria. Stop by if you are interested in joining our club or if you just want more information. We will also be discussing our spring conference. Hope to see you there!

JOB OPENINGS: K-mart is looking for part-time employees for a variety of positions. Stop in guidance if interested.

CAREER EXPLORATION: Thinking about a career as a chef? Join the head chef at Catfish Charlie's and take part in preparing special dishes, pastries, and appetizers. Learn about the presentation of food and what it takes to pursue a career in culinary arts. This is a great opportunity for you to get hands-on experience and it all begins on Monday, Oct. 22 at Catfish Charlie's. If interested, stop in guidance.

GSA MEETING: The GSA will be meeting every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month. The meetings are @ 2:20pm in room A117. Everyone is welcome. If you have any questions see Mrs. Wiederholt in room A117. The next meeting will take place October 23rd at 2:20 p.m.

October 29 - December 14, 2012
October 29 - December 14, 2012
Forms are available in the Business Office, Main Office, and Guidance.

17th - Iowa Central College - 10:45 a.m.
18th - UNI - 8:30 a.m.
Truman University - 10:15 a.m.
22nd - Drake - 9:20 a.m.
23rd - AIB Business College - 8:30 a.m.
24th - Creighton University - 10:15 a.m.
29th - Upper Iowa - 9:20 a.m.
30th - Northwestern University - 10:15 a.m.
St. Ambrose - 1:30 p.m.