Monday, March 26, 2012

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

GRADUATION COMMITTEE: There will be a meeting of the graduation committee in the back of the guidance office during D study time on Friday, March 30th.

FUNDRAISER: On April 2nd from 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. come and support the Dance Marathon Team with your friends and family by going to HuHot. National Honor Society students will be bussing tables for a share of the profits made by HuHot.


1. On April 3rd, Keystone will be doing hearing screenings on students. The health office will distribute passes to those students involved in this.
2. On April 13th, the VNA dental hygienist will be at Senior from 7:45-11:15 AM to do dental screenings for 9th grade students who did not return the state required dental form to school. The health office will distribute passes to those students involved in this program.
3. Students who will need a sports/activity physical for the 2012-2013 school year, Clarke college will be offering free sports physicals at Senior High School on April 24th from 12:30 to 2:30. Stop by the health office to pick up the required permission slips or for more information.

FYI: The student agenda incorrectly states that we don't have school on Monday, April 9th. We do have school and so do the students.

FYI: Forms for the 3rd Annual Grey Ribbon Crusade 5K and 1 Mile Kids Race to be held on Saturday, May 26th, are available at the Activity Office window.

NEW SCHOLARSHIP: The University of Dubuque's Phi Beta Sigma Faternity has announced a new scholarship for any senior who has at least a 3.0 and will be attending any accredited college, university or technical college. Please see details in the School Counseling Office. Deadline: March 28th!!

UPPER ROOM: The Upper Room will have Cheryl Gratton (Scooch) as the host for our meeting on Friday at 7 am in the gym lobby.

CHEERLEADING: Cheerleading Tryouts for 2012-2013 school years are Monday April 2-5th 6:45-8:15pm any questions please contact Coach Mayberry.


TODAY – 10:15 – Kirkwood CC
The AIB Business College visit for Wednesday, March 28th at 9:20, has been cancelled. They will call to reschedule.
March 29 – 9:20 – University of Iowa
March 29 – 10:15 – Truman University