Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Thursday, March 8, 2012

CONGRATULATIONS: The DSHS Band program has more good fortune - two of our students, Jon Fuller and Colin Niemer, have been accepted into the State Honor Jazz Band! They will be featured in concert in the 85th Annual Iowa Bandmasters State Conference in May. They will be involved with rehearsals on Wednesday and Thursday, May 9 and 10. The final concert will be in the Marriot Hotel Downtown Des Moines on May 10 during the conference.

FYI: No Frisbee Practice this week. It starts back up March 21st.

SOFTBALL: There will be a softball meeting for all players after school on Wednesday, March 21st at 2:45 p.m. in the classroom across from the AD Office. This meeting is mandatory for all women going out this summer. If you can’t make it, please contact Coach Loeffelholz to let him know.

BLOOD DRIVE: Friday, March 23rd, Mississippi Valley and Senior are coming together for a Spring Blood Drive. In order to participate in this event you will need to attend the informational meeting March 20th in B138 A or D study time. Sign-up sheets and permission slips are in the cafeteria during lunches.

March 21 – 9:20 – Clarke University
March 22 – 9:20 – NICC
March 22 – 12:45 – University of Wisc. Platteville
March 27 – 10:15 – Kirkwood CC
March 29 – 9:20 – University of Iowa
March 29 – 10:15 – Truman University


March 19 - May 10, 2012

March 19 - May 10, 2012