Thursday, March 1, 2012

Friday, March 2, 2012

TODAY: Lil Abner/ Daisy May Day

TENNIS: All girls interested in playing tennis for senior this spring, there will be an organizational meeting Tuesday, the 6th, at 2:30 in room A-217. if you cannot attend, please stop in the activity office.

FYI: There will be a fundraising meeting for French, German and Spanish students on Monday March 5th at 2:25pm in room E-34. We will be handing out the fundraising brochures.

TALENT SHOW: The Talent Show is here and you can purchase your tickets during 5th hour for $1.

EXPLOROR POST: Interested in Computer Programming or Computer Science? Check it out and get hands on experience with professors at Loras College through the Exploring Careers Program. You will be working with robots and computers to design a computer game and much more. First meeting is on March 5th at Loras College from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. For more info or application, stop in guidance or check it out on the guidance website.


March 19 - May 10, 2012

March 19 - May 10, 2012


Period 1 7:40 - 8:07
Period 2 8:12 - 8:39
Period 3 8:44 - 9:11
Period 4 9:16 - 9:43
Report to 5 9:48 - 10:00
Assembly 10:00 -11:22
Period 5* 11:30 - 1:04
A Lunch 11:30 -11:55
B Lunch 11:50 -12:15
C Lunch 12:19 -12:44
D Lunch 12:39 - 1:04
Period 6 1:09 - 1:42
Period 7 1:47 - 2:20

Lunch Room dismissal times*:
A - 11:50
B - 12:13
C - 12:36
D - 1:02

Students will report to 5th to receive their tickets and then sit with their 5th hour class.
Students who do not have a 5th hour class will purchase the tickets in the AP office. The day of the assembly they will report to the cafeteria to receive their tickets.