Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Thursday, May 19, 2016

All students signed up to take AP Literature next year need to attend an informational meeting in the library on Wednesday, June 1st at 2:30. You will be receiving summer reading materials at this meeting, so it is import that you attend.

There will be a mandatory contract wellness meeting on Wednesday, 25th at 7:00 am in Nora gym. Be dressed for physical activity to do our fitness testing. If you have questions, contact Mrs. Riley.

Football Meeting: There will be a meeting after school Monday, May 23rd in NORA Gym. Anyone interested in playing or helping out as a manager should attend. We will cover summer workouts and fall schedule. Please let Coach Ploessl know if you cannot make it.

Attention Juniors: Parking in the lot for the 2016-17 school will be done by a lottery drawing. If you will be a senior and are interested in a chance to park in the lot, please stop in the AP office to sign up no later than May 25th. The winners from the drawing will be notified.

The meeting for next year's AP Language and Composition students will be held on Wednesday, March 25th at 2:30 in the library. Come for a short meeting to get the summer reading materials and meet Mrs. Koch.

Model UN will have their final meeting of the school year on Friday, May 20th at 8:15 am in B139. Current members, including seniors, and anyone interested in joining for next year should attend.

Men’s SwimmingThere will be an informational meeting for men’s swimming on Tomorrow, May 19th, after school in Coach Huff’s room B142. This meeting is for both new and returning swimmers. Summer and fall training options will be discussed and information regarding next season will be discussed. If you cannot attend the meeting, talk to coach Huff to get the information.


Did you miss out on the opportunity to purchase a pair of cool RAMS Elite socks from the men’s tennis team? Guess what? There are some extras for you to buy – AND they’re only $15!!

Sizes are limited and they are first-come, first-serve (no holds please). Stop in the Activities Office TODAY to pick up your pair!

AP World History: Students who have registered to take AP World History during the 2016-17 school year should attend an informational meeting in B140 at 2:20 today for Meehan to Witthoeft.

At this time, students will receive their summer reading assignments.