Thursday, May 5, 2016

Friday, May 6, 2016

Blood Drive Announcement:

Attention all good citizens of Senior High School. We’re asking you to pull from your inner superman, and you, yourself can save 3 lives. By donating blood for our upcoming Spring Blood Drive on May 20th, you can be that hero that you once idolized. If you're at least 16 years of age and 110 pounds and are interested in helping us out this year, visit the Stuco zone during lunch to get your permission slip and information. A mandatory meeting will be held on Monday, May 16th during A and D study time in B144. Your generosity will not be in VEIN…

Key Club will continue selling stars in the cafeteria during all 5th hour lunches through Friday of this week in support of Relay for Life. Stars will be on sale for a $1 donation. Donations will go towards cancer research and accommodations for those in need of treatment. Key Club and Relay for Life would appreciate your support in helping in the battle against cancer.

If you attended the Dance Marathon or ordered a shirt they are now in. Stop by Mr. Miller’s room (B143) to pick them up.

Graduating Seniors: looking for full-time employment? - Check out these job opportunities ~ Must be 18! Farmtek in Dyersville and Peerless Well and Pump co. in Dubuque are seeking entry level workers for full time employment which includes competitive pay and full benefit package. Check out the bulletin board or stop in guidance for details.

Interested in Office/Clerical work?? Heartland Financial is looking for a part- time Item Processing Clerk for 25 hours per week. Must be 18.

Are you planning on going out for Softball? Please make sure you stop in the Activities Office to get signed up, even if you are currently in a spring sport! Practices officially starts May 9th.


May 10th                   10:15 a.m.                   Loras College