Friday, September 7, 2018

Monday, September 10


Students- if you purchased a STUDENT ACTIVITY PASS and your Student ID does not have a capital “D” in the lower right corner, please go to the Activities Office so we can print you a new ID. 

Homecoming tickets will be on sale in the Business Office starting Friday September 7th.  Senior High School student tickets will cost $10.  A Senior High School student bringing a guest will purchase one ticket for both the Senior High student and their guest for $20.  The DEADLINE FOR PURCHAING A GUEST TICKET is THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13th, 2:20p.m. Friday morning of Homecoming ONLY Senior High School students ( no guest) dance tickets will be sold prior to the Homecoming Assembly, 10:50a.m.  Dance tickets can be purchased at the door for ONLY Senior High School students for $15. 

Homecoming Week Spirit Days and Activities

Monday, September 10th      “Class Distinction”

               Seniors:  Ruby RED Slippers
          Juniors: Dorothy’s BLUE Dress
               Sophomores: WHITE (movie begins in black and white)
               Freshman: BLACK (movie begins in black and white)
                Staff:  YELLOW for leading us down the Yellow Brick Road
                                  NO HATS OR MASKS ALLOWED

Monday morning from 7:00-7:30A.M. there will be FREE donuts in the cafeteria from Donut Boy.

Tuesday, September 11th     TWISTER TUESDAY! – “Clash Day”
                                     NO HATS OR MASKS ALLOWED

MOVIE NIGHT-6:00-8:30pm in the Cafeteria.  Wizard of Oz will be shown along with games and treats provided free of charge!

Picture Retakes will take place in the School Library on Monday, September 10th, from 7:00a.m-12:45p.m. for students who have NOT had their picture taken on Registration day.  From 7:35a.m.-12:45p.m students will be called by grade level to go to the Library.  In order to have your picture retaken, students MUST bring back their picture packet and turn them in at that time.  You can order pictures online at and USE the Picture ID code:  BN308522Q1

Are you interested in Robotics?  Monday, September 10th at 2:20, those interested in building and programming robots will be meeting in room E24 to discuss the upcoming Frist Tech Challenge season.  You will get the chance to put your design, engineering and coding skills to the test in this competitive club.

Loras College is offering a Women’s Lacrosse Clinic on Saturday, October 20th.  Cost of the cam is $30 and provides girls an opportunity to learn about the sport of Lacrosse.  Sign up at

The following businesses are looking for part-time, ambitious workers:  HyVee, Kohl’s Theisen’s Burger King, and ShopKo. 

Explorer Post Opportunities:  If you have wondered about a career in Radio Broadcasting, Conservation, Diesel Mechanics or Engineering – join an Explorer Post to try it out and learn more about the career – hands on experiences.

Stop in the Counseling Office for more info. Or go online and apply at
September 13th for Radio Broadcasting, September 19th for Conservation and September 21st for Engineering Post. 


September 11th        9:15a.m.        Drake

September 13th        8:25a.m.       Coe

September 18th        10:15a.m.      UNI

September 25th       12:45p.m.      Hawkeye Community College

September 27th       8:25a.m.       Hamline University