Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Thursday, February 20, 2014

ATTENTION SENIORS: Looking for scholarship monies…Please come to the School counseling Office to pick up your “Senior Application” for this year’s Senior Awards Assembly. The return deadline for the Senior Applications will not be accepted. If you have questions, please see Ms. Lawrence.

Tonight Coach Campbell is holding a meeting for all ladies interested in playing soccer this spring at 8pm and an open gym immediately following! The open gym will be held from 8:00 till 9:30 in the small gym.

Looking for your chance in the spot light? Well here’s your opportunity!! The Kennedy mall is hosting a Prom Fashion Show on Saturday, March 15th at 2:00 p.m. They are looking for male and female models to SPORT the latest prom styles. The Ladies will be wearing the latest prom styles from the Kennedy Mall stores and the male models will be modeling tuxedos from Milroy’s Formal Wear. If interested by stop by the Main Office to learn more about your Modeling Career!

Any student interested in tutoring support, please stop in guidance for details.

Upper Room would like to invite all students to come pray, hear about God, eat some snacks and have some fun. Come attend on Friday’s at 6:55 am – 7:30 in the gym lobby.