Monday, October 11, 2010

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Frosh Soph Team (2nd of 11 Teams, 160 Finishers)

3rd-Jane Bradley
4th-Andrea Arthofer
6th-Kendra Conforti
14th-Natalie Jacobsmeier
33rd-Jenna Reichel
34th-Mal Feeney
36th-Shelby Stecklein

Junior Varsity Team (6th of 12 Teams, 177 Finishers)

Champion- Krista Laufenberg
29th-Kristen Orwoll
48th-Katie Huseman
55th-Linds Ploessl
62nd-Jackie Piper
67th-Morgan Munter
74th-Liz Reuter

Varsity Team (8th of 14 Teams, 86 Finishers)

24th-Randi Westervelt
28th-Hannah Timmerman
32nd-Victoria Vail
42nd-Meredith Petty
56th-Katie Sommer
58th-Sam Francois
62nd-Kat Martin

JUNIORS: Who signed up for the PSAT test should report to the small gym for testing by 7:30am. Please remember to bring a number 2 pencils and your calculator.

DRIVERS ED: The next session of NICC Driver Education will be starting November 1st.

Morning Session 6:00-7:30AM Monday-Friday
After School Session 2:40-4:40PM Monday-Friday
Forms are available in the Business Office, Main Office, and Guidance
Registration begins Monday October 11th at 7:30AM.

FYI: Anyone interested in going to the Iowa vs Wisconsin Swim meet on Oct. 15th to cheer on former Ram Jordan Huff at the new swimming complex in Iowa City? The cost is $20 to cover the bus and admission into the meet. We will be leaving from the Senior High parking lot at 3:00 p.m. and retuning the same night. If interested see Mr. Duclos in B149.

ATTENTION SENIORS: Worried about how to pay for college? Remember it's not too early to start looking for scholarships. One easy way to start is to check out the School Counseling Webpage on the Dubuque Senior Website. Click on the Scholarship Info link to connect to information regarding available scholarships. You can also click on the Senior Class of 2011 Handbook.


14th – North West Iowa CC – 12:45 p.m.
15th – Upper Iowa University – 12:45 p.m.
20th – AIB College of Business – 9:30 a.m.
21st – Clarke University – 8:30 a.m.
21st – Mt. Mercy – 9:20 a.m.
21st – Ashford – 10:15 a.m.
21st – Iowa Central – 1:30 p.m.
25th – UW Platteville – 12:45 p.m.
25th - Ripon College – 1:35 p.m.
26th – Illinois College – 8:30 a.m.
27th – Capri – 8:30 a.m.

FYI: The 38th annual UW-Platteville math meet will take place on Wednesday, November 3rd, 2010. Glamorous prizes and glory can be won at this meet. Last year, our freshmen/sophomore team took down Hempstead with a strong showing. We are looking for more of the same this year. Tell your math teacher if you are interested or Mr. Kueper in A322. You will miss class that afternoon on Nov. 3rd. and get back around 6 pm that night.

FYI: Scary Scamper 5K Run. Saturday, October 23, 2010. Information available at the window outside the Activity Office.